Why does it seem that everyone has an IPhone but me?
I feel trapped. I want badly one but I have still one year to go with my contract and if I terminate it now, it will cost me around 100€. Now I realise it's not that much and that it would still be less expensive to do that and have a new IPhone with a new contract than to just buy one for 600€... But it used to be more expensive a few months ago...
The thing is, I broke my former phone last February and now I have an incredibly old one that don't even have a color screen... or a camera!
My great phone
So now everytime I see something great in Paris I wanna share with you, like a beautiful sunset on Place de la Concorde or an amazing contemporary building, which is not that common in here, I think: "Damn I wish I had not lost my camera and I had an IPhone!"
Last week, I sent a letter to the phone company to tell them I was no longer using my phone anymore in order to terminate the contract without any breaking fees. If this works, I will be able to get an IPhone for a reasonable price.
But in the meantime, if you think you're missing something in this blog because of my not having an IPhone, of course you are more than welcome to help me. I will accept any form of donation!